Patogenesis virus dengue pdf

Terdapat 4 jenis virus dengue yang diketahui dapat menyebabkan penyakit demam berdarah. Terdapat 4 serotipe virus tipe yaitu den1, den2, den3, dan den4 yang. Viral pathogenesis this lecture will define and discuss the basic principles of viral pathogenesis, the entire process by which viruses cause disease. Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito borne diseases in the world. Oct 25, 2016 demam berdarah dengue merupakan salah satu problem kesehatan di berbagai negara tropis termasuk di indonesia. The primary role of capsid is to package the viral genome. Infected local cells then migrate from site of infection to lymph nodes, where monocytes and macrophages are recruited, which become targets of infection.

Based on neutralization assay data, four serotypes denv1, denv2, denv3, and denv4 can be distinguished. Gejala demam berdarah baru muncul saat seseorang yang pernah terinfeksi oleh salah satu dari empat jenis virus dengue mengalami infeksi oleh jenis virus dengue yang berbeda. Manifestasi klinis infeksi virus dengue dapat berupa demam dengue atau keadaan yang lebih berat yaitu demam berdarah dengue. Menurut ngastiyah 2005 virus akan masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui gigitan nyamuk aedes aeygypty. Mekanisme yang melibatkan patogenesis dbddss masih belum jelas.

Although the exact mechanisms are not clear, ade is the process in which denv, complexed with nonneutralizing antibodies, can enter a greater proportion of cells of the mononuclear lineage, thus increasing virus production. However, major complications of a zikv infection have recently become apparent for reasons that are still not fully elucidated. Original antigenic sin and apoptosis in the pathogenesis. One of the hypotheses for the seemingly increased pathogenicity of zikv is that crossreactive dengue antibodies can enhance a zikv infection through the principle of. Dengue virus denv belongs to the flaviviridae family, it is transmitted by mosquitos of the aedes genus, which has a worldwide distribution. Serotipo 5 dengue nikos vasilakis, phd of the university of texas medical branch in galveston announced the findings at a recent conference in bangkok. Clinical spectrum among symptomatic infection ranges from undifferentiated fever viral syndrome, dengue fever df, and dengue haemorrhagic fever dhf to the expanded dengue syndrome with isolated organopathy unusual manifestations. On the basis of these case descriptions, many earlier 19th and 20th century outbreaks were identified as dengue fever df. Monositmakrofag yang terinfeksi virus dengue akan mensekresi monokin yang berperan dalam patogenesis dan gambaran klinis dbddss. As both cell tropism and tissue tropism of denv are considered major determinants in the pathogenesis of dengue, there is a.

Doc patogenesis infeksi virus dengue aryoga asmara. Autoimmune pathogenesis in dengue virus infection viral. Dengue virus produces a mild acute febrile illness, dengue fever df and a severe illness, dengue hemorrhagic fever dhf. An efficient outpatient system and clinical and laboratory indicators of early dengue virus infection, plasma leakage and shock, as well as an effective and safe method of. Four major serotypes of dengue virus have been characterized, and epidemiological evidence shows that dengue. Dengue virus denv infections of humans were long thought to be selflimited and of low mortality. Keempat virus tersebut adalah den1, den2, den3, dan den4. Dengue virus is an arbovirus belonging to class flaviviridae its clinical manifestation ranges from asymptomatic to extreme conditions dengue hemorrhagic feverdengue shock syndrome. Dengue proteins with their role in pathogenesis, and. Patients with dhfdss are characterized by several manifestations, including severe thrombocytopenia, vascular leakage, and hepatomegaly. Dengue hemorrhagic fever can occur when someone is bitten by a mosquito or exposed to blood infected with the dengue virus. Mar 19, 20 replication and transmission of dengue virus1. Reversely,the immune response of dengue does not resist to the next infection, but promote the severity of the disease from dengue fever to dengue hemorrhagic fever. Jul 11, 2018 why cant your body handle a punch to the liver.

Virus dengue menempati urutan kedelapan sebagai penyebab kesakitan di negaranegara kawasan asia. Dengue, patogenesis, infeksi heterolog sekunder, antibodi perangkat tambahan tergantung, virulensi virus, mediator pathogenesis of dengue. Pertama tama yang terjadi adalah viremia yang mengakibatkan penderita menalami demam, sakit kepala. Important target cells during denv infection are macrophages, monocytes, and immature dendritic cells imdcs. Which usually bite during the morning and late afternoonevening hours. A better understanding of dengue pathogenesis will provide a foundation for future. Infection by any one of the four serotypes of dengue virus denv remains asymptomatic in the vast majority. There are several hypothesis as regards the development of hd, some focused on the molecular characteristics of the virus, and others on the clinical forms of the. Rhesus monkeys develop viremia similar in pattern to humans after dengue virus challenge but do not develop clinical disease. They may range from subclinical infection to dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever dhf, and eventually dengue shock syndrome dss. Dengue is an important cause of childhood and adult morbidity in asian and latin american countries and its geographic footprint is growing. Annually, 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of dhf occur worldwide. Zika virus zikv, which is also transmitted by mosquitoes, has a replication cycle similar to denv saiz. Penjelasan virus dbd dengue lengkap generasi biologi.

Dengue pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, lab diagnosis. Dengue pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, lab diagnosis and treatment. This is the same mosquito that transmits dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever one case of possible persontoperson. Properties and functions of the dengue virus capsid. It is a rna virus, with tropism for multiple human cells, with a wellestablished and studied viral cycle. Pathogenesis and immunity molecular determinants of virulence. Nov 25, 2015 dengue virus denv infections of humans were long thought to be selflimited and of low mortality. The failure to isolate virus from most organ samples may indicate that those tissues contained primarily degraded virus or virus complexed with antibodies that prevent infection of cells in vitro. Virus dengue masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui gigitan nyamuk aedes aegypti betina dan infeksi pertama kali mungkin memberi gejala sebagai demam dengue. It is a rna virus, with tropism for multiple human cells, with a wellestablished and.

Pathogenesis of dhfdss risk factors reported for dhf most cases of dengue fever are selflimited in their course and never progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever. We describe the virus characteristics and risk factors for dengue and dhf, and compare incidence and the case fatality rates in endemic regions southeast asia, western pacific, and the americas. Dengue, dengue fever df, dengue hemorrhagic fever dhf, dengue shock syndrome dss s new who classification categorizes dengue into dengue, with and without warning signs, and severe. Dengue viral infections postgraduate medical journal.

They may be asymptomatic or may give rise to undifferentiated fever, dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever dhf, or dengue shock syndrome. Pada infeksi sekunder oleh virus dengue serotipe berbeda dengan infeksi pertama. During the first half of the 20th century, human responses to dengue virus denv infection were described in multiple studies on hundreds of adult volunteers in different parts of the world 19. Dengue pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, lab diagnosis and treatment pathogenesis of dengue. Surprising new dengue virus throws a spanner in disease control efforts. Pathogenesis of vascular leak in dengue virus infection. Dengue virus denv is transmitted by mosquitoes and infects nearly 400 million people annually bhatt et al. Dengue virus after entering in the body invades the local macrophages and multiply there. Dengue virus presents a growing threat to public health in the developing world. Structure, epidemiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, laboratory diagnosis and prevention by editorial team on january 3, 2020 in microbiology, virology the zika virus zikv is a flavivirus related to dengue, yellow fever virus, japanese encephalitis virus and west nile virus. Apr 03, 2016 this video aims to describe the mode of replication of dengue virus and the pathophysiology of dengue. In addition, a fourth group of viruses found only in. Zika virus zikv is a mosquitotransmitted flavivirus in the flaviviridae family of positivestranded rna viruses and is closely related to several other pathogens that cause disease globally, including dengue denv, yellow fever yfv, west nile wnv, japanese encephalitis jev, and tickborne encephalitis tbev viruses pierson and diamond, 20.

There are still many questions to answer on the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic dengue hd, and the identification of patients with a high risk of developing this disease still continues to be a challenge today. Sistem kekebalan tubuh terlibat dalam patogenesis dbd karena. Ogg2 1centre for dengue research, university of sri jayewardenepura, nugegoda, sri lanka and 2mrc human immunology unit, radcliffe department of medicine, weatherall institute. Sesuai dengan namanya, antibodi tersebut tidak bersifat menetralkan replikasi virus, tetapi justru memacu replikasi virus. Dengue viruses occur as four antigenically related but distinct serotypes transmitted to humans by aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Pathogenesis of vascular leak in dengue virus infection gathsaurie neelika malavige1,2 and graham s. Dengue hemorrhagic fever dengue shock syndrome dhfdss initially observed in southeast asia now has spread throughout the world. The pathogenic mechanisms of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome dhfdss caused by dengue virus dv infection remain unresolved.

Dhf can occur in primary infection with certain genetic strains of virus. Di indonesia, dbd disebabkan karena infeksi virus dengue yang ditemukan. Ada virus yang membuat tubuh langsung membentuk sistem imun yang permanen contohnya cacar air dan ada virus yang membuat tubuh membentuk sistem imun yang bersifat sementara contohnya influenza. Comparative flavivirushost protein interaction mapping.

Virus infects white 3 blood cells and lymphatic tissues4. This disease used to be called breakbone fever because it sometimes causes severe joint and muscle pain that feels like bones are breaking. The clinical manifestations of dengue are the expression of a constellation of host and viral factors, some acquired, others intrinsic to. Dengue viruses have spread rapidly within countries and across regions in the past few decades, resulting in an increased frequency of epidemics and severe dengue disease, hyperendemicity of multiple dengue virus serotypes in many tropical countries, and autochthonous transmission in europe and the usa. The most widelycited hypothesis for the pathogenesis of severe dengue is antibodydependent enhancement ade. Health experts have known about dengue fever for more than 200 years. Pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever and its impact. The most widely cited hypothesis for this occurrence is antibody dependent enhancement ade of. Dengue virus denv is a member of the flavivirus genus of singlestranded positivesense rna viruses that cause visceral and central nervous system disease in humans. The structural and functional basis for flavivirus attenuation genetic resistance to flaviviruses immunobiology of mosquitoborne encephalitic flaviviruses immune modulation by flaviviruses mechanisms of virus induced cell death dynamics of flavivirus infection in mosquitos dynamics of infection in tick vectors and at the tickhost. The autoimmune mechanism in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Four denv serotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4 circulate in tropical and. Limfosit t juga memegang peran penting dalam patogenesis dbd.

Beginning in the 1950s, at the time when four different denvs were discovered, a lethal variant of dengue emerged. Akibat infeksi virus ini muncul respon imun baik humoral maupun selular, antara lain anti netralisasi, antihemaglutinin, anti komplemen. Patogenesis penyakitpenyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh. Substantial gaps remain in the comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of dengue virus infections. Demam dengue dd dan demam berdarah dengue dbd disebabkan virus dengue. Several members of the flavivirus genus, such as the dengue virus dv, yellow fever virus yfv, west nile virus wnv, and japanese encephalitis virus jev, are highly pathogenic to humans and constitute major international health problems gould and solomon, 2008, mackenzie et al. Flavivirus merupakan virus dengan diameter 30nm terdiri dari asam ribonukleat rantai tunggal dengan berat molekul 4 x 106. The clinical manifestations of dengue are the expression of a constellation of host and viral factors, some acquired, others intrinsic to the individual. Penelitian invitro oleh ho lj dkk 2001 menyebutkan bahwa dendritic cell yang terinfeksi virus dengue dapat mengekspresi antigen hla b71, b72, hladr, cd11b dan cd83. Viral disease is a sum of the effects on the host of virus replication and of the immune response.

Severe dengue most commonly occurs among infants and patients with secondary dengue virus denv infections i. Dengue virus affects hundreds of millions of people each year around the world, causing a tremendous social and economic impact on affected countries. Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito from the aedes genus, mainly aedes aegypti in tropical regions. Generally, when we get an infection, our bodies have an immune response for antigen clearance at that time and memory for the next infection resistance in the future. Infection with any of the 4 dengue virus serotypes results in a diverse range of symptoms, from mild undifferentiated fever to lifethreatening hemorrhagic fever and shock. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh infeksi virus famili flaviridae yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk aedes aegypti dan dapat menyerang semua orang, mengakibatkan kematian serta menimbulkan wabah. Zika virus zikv has been known for decades to circulate in africa and asia. Pdf autoimmune pathogenesis in dengue virus infection. Dengue fever is an infectious disease carried by mosquitoes and caused by any of four related dengue viruses. Dengue hemorrhagic feverdengue shock syndrome dhfdss initially observed in southeast asia now has spread throughout the world.

Dengue virus also cause asymptomatic infections that have no clinical signs or symptoms of disease like dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever. Today, dengue is regarded as the most prevalent and rapidly spreading. Plasma leakage and intrinsic coagulopathy are the pathological hall marks in dengue haemorrhagic fever dhf. As both cell tropism and tissue tropism of denv are considered major. Much remains to be learned about the pathogenesis of the different manifestations of dengue virus denv infections in humans. Molecular insight into dengue virus pathogenesis and its. Zika virus pathogenesis and tissue tropism sciencedirect. May 16, 20 setelah virus dengue masuk dalam tubuh manusia, virus berkembang biak dalam sel retikuloendotelial hepar yang selanjutnya diikuiti dengan viremia yang berlangsung 57 hari. Dengue virus denv is the most common mosquitoborne viral infection worldwide. In large part, this limitation is related to the lack of a suitable animal model of disease. So what are the factors associated with the occurrence of dhf.

Demam berdarah dengue dbd adalah penyakit demam akut yang disebabkan oleh. Demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue disebabkan oleh virus dengue, yang termasuk dalam genus flavivirus, keluarga flaviviridae. Setelah virus dengue masuk ke dalam tubuh, pasien akan mengalami keluhan dan gejala karena viremia, seperti demam, sakit kepala, mual, nyeri otot, pegal seluruh badan, hiperemi ditenggorokan, timbulnya ruam dan kelainan yang mungkin muncul pada system retikuloendotelial seperti pembesaran kelenjarkelenjar getah bening, hati dan limpa. Penyebab demam dengue disebabkan oleh virus dengue dalam. A lot of research has been done on this ailment, yet there is no effective treatment available for the disease. Respons imun pada demam denguedemam berdarah dengue merupakan suatu. Virus transmitted 1 to human in mosquito saliva 22. Pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever and its impact on. The characteristic feature of dhf is increased capillary permeability leading to extensive plasma leakage in serous cavities resulting in shock. Infeksi virus dengue untuk pertama kali akan merangsang terbentuknya atibodi nonnetralisasi. These viruses generally cause a benign syndrome, dengue fever, in the american and african tropics, and a severe syndrome, dengue hemorrhagic feverdengue shock syndrome dhfdss, in southeast asian children. Given that dengue virus infection elicits such a broad range of clinical symptoms, early and accurate laboratory diagnosis is essential for appropriate patient management. Oleh rangsang monosit yang telah terinfeksi virus dengue atau antigen virus dengue, limfosit manusia dapat mengeluarkan interferon ifn alfa dan gamma.

Reaksi tubuh memberikan reaksi yang berbeda ketika seseorang mendapat infeksi yang berulang dengan serotipe virus dengue yang berbeda. Respon imun terhadap infeksi virus dengue patogenesis dan. Dengue virus denv belongs to the family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, and is transmitted to humans by aedes mosquitoes, mainly aedes aegypti. Dec 08, 2017 the vaccine manufacturer, sanofi pasteur, announced in 2017 that people who receive the vaccine and have not been previously infected with a dengue virus may be at risk of developing severe dengue if they get dengue after being vaccinated. The virus belongs to the flaviviridae family, genus flavivirus, which contains several vectorborne viruses relevant for human health, such as dengue virus denv, yellow fever virus yfv, japanese encephalitis virus jev, west nile virus wnv, and tickborne encephalitis virus tbev. Demam berdarah dengue dbd disebut juga dengue hemoragic fever dhf, dengue. Viral virulence, infection enhancing antibodies, cytokines and chemical mediators in the setting of intense immune activation are the key players implicated in the pathogenesis of dhf.

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